January 21, 2011


A warm smile and a warm cup of Joe at the local coffee shop will do wonders on a cold winters day.

At least…

In My View.

Greeted With A Smile

January 20, 2011

Even a smile on a cart at Home Depot can brighten up someones day.

At least,

In My View.

January 19, 2011


Because sometimes we stop noticing the faces of change…

At least,

In My View.

January 18, 2011

This gentleman is seen walking the streets of Waterville, often hanging out at the Two Cent Bridge. To know his life story. He was once someones little boy.

At least…

In My View


Two local “Mainers” spending a beautiful day on the trails, stop for lunch and a drink.

Maine… the way life should be.  At least,


In My View…

January 16, 2011


When a person is spending their days praying for, and ministering to, those around them, at the local coffee shop…  they sometimes just need too,  ( like my mother always use to say),  rest their eyes.

At least,

In My View…

Winter Hat and Sunglasses

January 15, 2011


Because Maine can be cold, and the snow can be blinding…

In My View.


I wish I could tell you where this guy was going, what he was carrying in his hand, and why he was so bundled up. It wasn’t even that cold out.

At least… In My View.

New Blog, New Theme…

January 14, 2011

This is my new blog.  Yes, I have a blog already. This is a separate one.  This blog will feature one photo, each day, taken by me.  Whatever comes, In My View.  Its that simple… Enjoy.

Since I started this at 12:49 am and haven’t taken a photo today, I will start this blog by using one of my very favorite photos that always brings a smile to my heart.

In My View…